Welcome to Bellville Elementary
Mr. Jonathan Burras (Principal)
Mission Statement
At Bellville Elementary
School, we are problem solvers, respectful,
kind to all and ready to learn.
Go Colts!
Mrs. Megan McFerren (Secretary)
Dear Bellville Families,
Last year, several Bellville staff members, both teachers and administration, attended a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) training. It was agreed upon, district-wide, that our school would use this tool for teaching expected behaviors. This team of staff members developed “COLTS RULE” as the format to present these expectations. “COLTS RULE” by remaining Cool, Calm and Collected. When our students are cool, calm and collected, they are respectful, responsible and safe.
The students at Bellville Elementary have been learning about school-wide behavioral expectations. These expectations have been developed by the staff as an effective way to be proactive in managing behaviors. The following links include information about PBIS, our Colts Rule Matrix as well as a video starring our very own students and staff demonstrating these expected behaviors at Bellville Elementary School.
PBIS Information
Colts Rule Matrix
Bellville PBIS Video
This approach to managing behaviors is a positive one! Classrooms are acknowledged for exhibiting the behaviors that we expect by receiving a “Classroom Colt”. These Colts are placed outside the classroom doors. When a classroom earns 5 Colts they enter our school wide race. The more Colts a classroom earns the more rewards the classroom will receive. We celebrate these accomplishments daily through our morning announcements and have a bulletin board in the cafeteria of the lower building as well as one at the entrance in the upper building.
The next step to be implemented is individual rewards. Students will be acknowledged for exhibiting the behaviors that we expect by receiving a “HORSESHOE”. These “HORSESHOES” will then be turned into the office and acknowledged over the announcements. These students will also be given a horseshoe sticker to wear throughout the day and given a “special award”.
Please take this opportunity to talk to your child/children about the expectations at school and the importance of continuing to demonstrate how “COLTS RULE”. With your continued support and involvement, Bellville Elementary will remain a school where students excel!