Hours: Monday-Friday 7:20-4:00
Follow us on INSTAGRAM @cf_library
Go to the “Get Reading” page for more information on e-books.
The login reminder is also at the bottom of this page.

To check out SORA eBooks; use your student ID.
Your pin is your 2 digit birth month and 2 digit birthday.

Your school library media center now has NOOKS to loan.
- You will need a contract signed by your parent/guardian to be able to borrow one.
- Look for information and the contract on the “Get Reading” page.
How do I renew online?
- Go to the “Library catalogs” page and click on the new catalog.
- Log in to your account which is in the upper right hand corner of the page.
- Your User ID is your lunch number or student ID.
- Your pin = 2 digits for your birth month and 2 digits for your birth day (without spaces).
- Use this same login information to login to Sora.